This two-hour single-session class is for homeschool and other families who enjoy learning in nature. In this natural learning experience, we’ll explore and learn about the land around Lake Hemet. During our exploration, we’ll interact with both the abiotic and biotic features of the Lake Hemet ecosystem. Abiotic futures will include sun, soil, water and air. While biotic features will include flowers, trees, reptiles, mamas, birds, etc. As we interact with elements of this ecosystem we’ll also learn how these different contributors to Mother Earth work to sustain each other.

Homeschool and other full-time learners may this fellow traveler on spaceship Earth during our class.
One of the creatures our merry band of homeschool learners may meet at Lake Hemet

As part of our exploration our group of homeschool and other outside of school learners will:

  • look closely at a tablespoon of soil,
  • see how water beads up on wax paper and learn why,
  • learn why drinking lots of water is so important,
  • exchange breath with a plant
  • learn the names of plants and animals in this area,
  • collect some sticks and learn how they grow themselves from our outbreaths, and
  • learn how to protect ourselves from the Sun without harming ourselves or the environment.

In addition to proving a valuable nature connection experience these activities can as an introduction to our ongoing Nature Connection/Earth Care courses.

Our group of homeschool and other full-time learners will also learn some ways we can take care of Mother Earth including:

  • starting a compost pile,
  • planting desert cover crops,
  • reducing water usage at home (e.g., washing efficiently),
  • planting drought tolerant trees, and
  • other ways of reducing, reusing and recycling resources,

These activities can serve as the core of ongoing homeschool projects.

Focus of this Homeschool Class

The focus of this introductory class is on helping young people understand our role as participants on planet Earth. More specifically, to understand our niche in the giant interdependence-web that connects all life on Earth to each other and to the abiotic (i.e., non-living) contributors to our planet. We have this focus because we believe that deep nature connection and Earth care is critical at this moment in human history. First, we must feel a deep connection to our natural surroundings. Second we must cultivate a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of living and non-living things. And third, we must use this understanding to live lives that incorporate taking care of Mother Earth.